Beauty Brands Connector


A beautiful brand re-fresh for the Beauty Brands Connector. It was so refreshing to work with a company that understands the importance of looking your best and making the right connections.


The Beauty Brands Connector, does exactly that! Connects brands within the beauty and aesthetics industry. Company owner and founder, Helen has spent over 30 years working as a therapist and trainer within the industry and since 2019 has used her wealth of experience to help brands and businesses grow and thrive by making the right connections.

Working with luxury independent brands world-wide, Helen’s mission is to take brands to market, increase brand awareness and market share. This also enables Helen to support salons and clinics by identifying any gaps — and connecting them with the right product, equipment or training.


Having reviewed Helen’s existing logo design and branding, we decided a brand refresh would be a great solution to give the brand that professional, luxury vibe.

Keeping with the same colour palette of navy and rose gold, we gave the brand colours a tweak and introduced a set of secondary colours to give more contrast, and a bright and fresh feel.

A brand new logo was created with ‘connections’ playing as a key part in the new visuals.

The new branding was then applied to social media, print assets, social media and digital brochures before finally gracing the pages of a beautiful new WordPress website. Check it out here:

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